How It Works

Herd Analysis

Thermal drones revolutionize wild game herd management by providing crucial insights into population health, distribution, and behavior. These aerial surveys offer:

* Accurate Population Counts: Thermal imaging detects body heat, accurately counting individuals even in dense cover or challenging terrain.

* Doe-to-Buck Ratio Analysis: Understanding the gender balance helps manage hunting quotas and ensure sustainable populations.

* Disease Monitoring: Early detection of disease outbreaks like Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is possible through herd analysis and behavior patterns.

* Habitat Assessment: Drones identify preferred foraging and resting areas, aiding habitat management and conservation efforts.

* Predator-Prey Dynamics: Monitoring predator activity helps understand interactions within the ecosystem and inform management strategies.

By leveraging thermal drone technology, wildlife managers can make informed decisions to safeguard wild game populations for future generations.

$300 (Herd Analysis Report - Includes an accurate count, photos and locations of your herd)

Thermal drones revolutionize wild game herd management by providing crucial insights into population health, distribution, and behavior. By leveraging thermal drone technology, wildlife managers can make informed decisions to safeguard wild game populations for future generations.